Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Battle of Tours

Interviewer: "Greetings Charles and may I say, congratulations"

Charles "The Hammer" Martel: "Thank you. The Battle of Tours was an important victory for many of us."

Interviewer: "Yes, it is. Please, tell me about the battle."

Charles:  "The Battle of Tours was a main battle in October 732.  It was my army of barbarian Franks versus the invading Muslims from Spain.  The muslims had been raiding other places in Europe since the 720s and it was time they were stopped.  They had conquered Spain in the early eight century and raided southern Gaul and Aquitaine.  later, the Muslims attacked Autun, towns on the Rhone River, and a now important man's city. Odo was the duke of Aquitaine and after another defeat in 732, he called in for my  assistance.  The islamic group destroyed a monastery in Plitiers and when they were targetting St. Martin of Tours, me and Odo stepped in. When our large army was seen, the Muslims stopped in their tracks; shocked.  We had a standstill for six days, but eventually began fighting."

Interviewer: "And it wasn't a long battle, was it?"

Charles: "We had some small fights, but it only took us about a week to finish off ol' Abd ar-Rahman."

Interviewer: "What is the main importance of this battle?"

Charles: "The importance, my friend, is that I may have just saved Christianity in Europe.  Another way to look at it is that I stopped Muslims from spreading possibly farther into the country."

Interviewer: "Well, thank god you did and thank you for the interview."

Charles: "You're welcome"

The Battle of Tours showed Charles' military akilled and helped strengthen his hold on the kingdom.

("Battle of Tours." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2010.")

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