Monday, November 1, 2010

Constantine the Great

Interviewer: "Greetings Constantine, it is a real honor to meet you. Just as Alexander had done, can you please tell me your stroy?"
Constantine the Great: "Indeed.  I was born in Naissus son of Helen, or saint Helen as you may know her.  At the time, the emperor was Diocletian and coemperor was Maximian.  My father, Constantius I later became coemperor when Diocletian and Maximian abdicated in 305 A.D.  My father then died in 306 and with the military's favor, I competed for leadership.  In 312 I defeated Maxentius in the Battle of Milvian Bridge and gained control of the Western Romen Empire. When I defeated Licinius in 324, I was left to rule all of the great Roman Empire. "

Interviewer: "Whoa"

Constantine: "Yeah. I made the capital Constantinople in Byzantium, but a more memorable thing had happened to me durring the Battle of Milvian Bridge.  The day before I had had a dream where I had seen our victory and a Christian Cross.  The reason I had won that battle was because of God. Ending the persecution of Christians, I converted. I alowed freedom of religioin, but many other Romans converted too."

Interviewer: "Now, would you say your greatest achievement would be your spread of Christianity?"

Constantine:  "Yes, I also built many monuments like churches, cities, and the Arch Constantine. 
Constantinople was a wonderful city, if I do say so myself, and with a new capital it helped to unify Rome
after the fall of the Latin West"

Interviewer:  "Well thank you for the interview"

Constantine:  "You're welcome"

Interviewer: "What a saint"

("Constantine the Great." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 1 Nov. 2010.")

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