Saturday, October 30, 2010

Alexander the Great

Interviewer: "Good morning Alexander, I have heard many great things about you."
Alexander the Great: "I'm sure you have"
Interviewer: "Yes, well, could you please tell me your story?"
Alex: "Yes, of course.  I was born 356 B.C. in Macedonia, son of the well-known Phillip II.  I was a student to Aristotle, and when my father was assasinated in 336, I became king.  I greatly wanted to defeat Persia, for my father, but would have something else to worry about: Thebes. Fortunately, I easily put down their rebellion and went on to Persia.  In the Battle of the Granicus, my army beat the Persians by the river and my reputation climbed.  Next was the battle of Issus, which was another win for the Macedonians.  I had my army fighting with spears called sarissas, making them beg for mercy.  When they asked, I said nah and headed to Egypt.  The Egyptians loved me! Although I knew it all along, they concluded my destiny: I was a God.  They made me pharaoh.  Later, I defeated Persian Empire at Arbela in 331 B.C. and became king when Darius III was killed by his own court.  After that, victories were piling up as far as the Indus valley in 325 B.C and I began to spread my western culture- Greek culture." 
Interviewer: " And then.."
Alex: "And then what?"
Interviewer: "You went back to Babylonia"
Alex: "Yes, well, when I came to Babylonia in 324, the people were not very pleased. Although I was spreading wonderful Greek culture, I had also adapted many Persian."
Interviewer: "How upset are they?"
Alex: "Any other questions?"
Interviewer: "Yes, Alexander, why would you say you are so important?"
Alex: "Why, I'm inspirational!"
Interviewer: "Who do you think you are inspiring?"
Alex: "Other great rulers, I suppose. Also I concider my spreading of greek culture immensely important and my policies"
Interviewer: "Well, thank you for the interview"
Alex: "Yup"
Alexander the Great inspired Julius Caesar and many other people, even up to modern times. Alexander the Great dies at the age of 32.

Alexander the Great:

("Alexander the Great." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. )

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