Monday, October 18, 2010


206 B.C.
Le Chung

Online Journal,
There is starting to be some major changes in our country’s religious structure.  In the Han Dynasty started 206 B.C., the emperor has promoted this idea of “Confucianism”.  The government is now also based upon Confucius principles in bureaucracy form.  Although I have not heard of these ideas, I am testing them out.  Confucius encourages family and I have spent more time with my over these past few months.  We have had many great times and I ponder onto what I have been missing. So I then began reading the Five Classics and learned that the ruler of a nation should set a good example for his subjects.  If he does so, then it is more likely that his people will follow him and respect their country.  Education is another idea that Confucius promotes, and I deeply agree with this.  I always found it good to fill your head with as much knowledge as possible, but Confucius looks at it a little differently.  He says one much be knowledgeable to comprehend the ideas of mortality. Either way I am encouraging my sons to study and also to get them a good job under this new “Civil Service” test.
Later the Yi dynasty and Japan adopted Confucius’ governmental ideas. Is now one of three major religions in China.

"Confucianism." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

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