Monday, October 18, 2010

Lao Zi and Taoism

Greetings Bai!
I have converted! I am officially Taoist, like you and your family.  In the middle of the Era of Warring States (475 to 221 B.C.), I feel closer to finding peace with nature.  I met the man, Lao tzu, who is said to be the actual founder of this religion.  He has created a book called the Tao-Te Ching, which includes all of his teaching.  I have been switching off reading from Li Tang’s copy and asking others about what Lao’s philosophies mean to them.  Nonaction is a confusing idea that Taoism promotes.  It doesn’t quite mean to be lazy and do nothing, but rather to go with both the ying and yang of life.  Taoism is the path and the path I now plan to follow.  I now try to get closer to nature, and not cause conflict if I can possibly avoid it.   Go with the flow is the way I like to look at it, along with balance and harmony, is good for everyone. 
Confucianism is now one of the three major religions in China.
"Taoism." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <> 

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