Monday, October 18, 2010

Unification of China

Dear Diary,
Today China is at peace. It is 221 B.C and finally all of China is unified under the Qin Dynasty.  King Zheng has changed his name to Shi Huangdi, becoming the “first emperor” our country.  My family is very pleased that the Warring States Period is over. There has been too much fighting of all the people that should work together.  Zheng and the Qin dynasty finally conquered the Chu and the Zhou Dynasty in the 3rd century B.C.  He has decided to change the government to bureaucracy, and so far it has worked well. There have been increases in trade, agriculture, and military service.  We were also shown different currency, measuring standards and arrangement of writing.  The emperor is also starting a very large project; he calls it “The Great Wall”.  I’m not sure how great it is going to be, but he sure is gathering a lot of workers to help build.  Finally the nation is together and you can feel the things that are going to be accomplished we no longer have to worry about fighting with each other. 
Biyu Lang

Dear Diary,
I’m sorry I have not written in a while; it is 210 and Shi Huangdi has died and has created a giant grave for himself. They have filled the tomb with thousands of clay soldiers and put plenty of traps so there will not be any thieves. It is a very grand project and I predict that it will not be discovered for a long, long time. 
Biyu Lang
"China." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>

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