Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zheng He

Dear Online Journal,
It is the year 1437, just two years after Zheng He's death.  China has decided to burn all of his fleet of war ships and not to worry about the outside world.   We decided to focus on China's interior and keep the Chinese in, even banning the building of seagoing ships.  Unfortunately, our old school ways have actually weakened us and we are relatively open to foreign invasion.  You can tell that the other countries, such as the British, want to take us over.   And although his fame is trying to be covered up, Zheng He did great work under the building and sailing of the ships.  He worked as the emperor's admiral and from 1405 to 1433, he completed seven voyages. Before his first voyage, Zheng He created 2,000 vessels for all different purposes, which included the great "treasure ships".  These ships were 400 feet long and 150 feet wide; some of the largest wooden ships ever created.  On this first voyage he ventured to India, but stopped to trade at places like Champa and Java.  They also defeated a major pirate at the time, called Chen Zuyi, and had him killed.  These started many political relationships.  Other voyages took him to the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and many other far away places.  Zheng He was born in 1371, and served China well.
Chi Fu

ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. <>

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