Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tang Dynasty

Dear Blog:
Boy am I living in a great century! I'm practically living in a golden age, in a golden country: China.  It is the Tang Dynasty in the year 900 A.D. and I am a poet by the name of Cho Chang.  The dynasty started way back in 618 A.D. (to 907) when China was reunited under the power of Lui Yuan.  With political and social stability, the Tang has become the golden age of China (So far) and has made many advances in literature, cultural, and artistic traditions.  Some very main things were poetry, which was how I got started rhyming, and painting.  One memorable man was Xuanzong who founded the Hanlin Academy for dance and music.  My personal IDOLS from this time include Du Fu and Li Bo who were possibly the greatest poets ever.  Du Fu writes about his misfortunes of his job after doing bad on the civil service exam, while Li Bo writes about happier times.  The government system is very similar to the Han Dynasty, with Confucianism and a bureaucracy.  Very sadly, I am beginning to feel the dynasty crumbling.  We are losing territory to Arabs, there is corruption, high taxes, drought, famine, and rebellion.  Times are getting rough; we haven't done what we should. Although it is tough, we must look at the good. 
Cho Chang

"Tang Dynasty: Imperial Unity and Cultural Achievement (Overview)." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras.
ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. <>

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